Ultimate Fantasies is a project exploring the force of desire by Jennifer Boyd and Ruta Dumciute, and collaborators Leyla Pillai, Eunjung Kim, Madeleine Stack and P0$$€.
What happens when desire - in the widest sense - is permanently inhabited, rather than a quick gesture or quashed longing towards a thing or person or life that you want? For example, Kembra Pfahler’s transformation of her rented apartment in the East Village, NY in which she covered all objects, walls and furniture in the same cosy, innard-red paint.
This project understands the force of desire as a non-normative notion of total commitment. Inspired by figures in art and music who have refused to compromise, this project explores fantasies of the ‘ultimate’ and how these might manifest intensely refreshed and flavour enhanced in sculpture, space, sound, performance and text.
Web. www.ultimatefantasies.org
Open. Every Sunday in June [3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th] from 12-5pm, with a donations bar. The space will then close for dinner 5-7pm, and re-open at 7pm for night events on Sunday 10th, 17th, 24th. This day, time and form has been chosen in subversion of Sundays being traditionally capitalist and institutionally tortuous, in aim of stretching time and creating space in the city to hang out, and in the hope that it may mean those working in the night industries and outside of traditional hours are more easily able to attend. All events are free and non-booking, but donations are very welcome and go directly to the artists.
Night events. [doors 7pm, performances 8pm]
Sunday 10th June. Screening of a love letter and answer by P0$$€ ft Ultimate Fantasies and a performance by Madeleine Stack, followed by music and drinks.
Sunday 17th June. Performance by Eunjung Kim and readings by Jennifer Boyd, followed by music and drinks.
Sunday 24th June. A kaleidoscopic joint force live essay by Jennifer Boyd, Ruta Dumciute and Leyla Pillai in the final room, followed by music and drinks.
Jennifer Boyd is a writer working in text and sound, and co-curator of SHELL LIKE listening events. Published in After Us, Afterall and Salt, and recently released A Theory for the Strange-Girl: Raw Red Text with COUNTRY MUSIC [2017], the novella Nightbox for the exhibition Chrome Villa at ANDOR Gallery, and was also the writer for a duo of books Skinned and Detouched by Alice Channer published by Eastside Projects and Motto Books [2018]. www.jenniferboyd.org
Ruta Dumciute is a designer working in sculpture and space, both within and outside the boundaries of interiors. Previous projects include Post-Gender Salon, and the collaborations Abandoned Laundrette at Balfron Tower for the London Festival of Architecture and Packing Room, a recent installation for the London Design Festival [2017]. Her research focuses on space, gender and materiality. www.rutadumciute.com
Their collaboration and this project arose through long-shared interests including the history of underground clubbing and the putrefaction of dominant expectations.
Leyla Pillai is an artist, writer and researcher, currently producing and presenting Who's That Girl?, a radio-art show spanning 7 years in residence on NTS Radio. Who's That Girl? is a question in flux, explored monthly in all her myriad voices through spectral soul soundscapes, artists’ aural portraits and metaphoric spoken voyages. Past shows include specials on Cosey Fanni Tutti and Regine Fetet, Imaginary Girl and S/He Got The Blues In Her/e. Connecting the spaces between sound and visual culture; an abyssal of the arcane, recondite and subtextuals form the basis for presenting experimental and explorative documentary. www.nts.live/show/whos-that-girl
Eunjung Kim is a Korean artist based in London. Kim’s practice encompasses performance, video, photography and dance, and centres on the process of becoming - the discovery of a sense of agency outside of the limits of social reality and the stability of identity. Through relational textures and fictional encounters, Kim questions the relationship between the machinery of repression and the realm of freedom that erupts within difference. Kim was a winner at the Experimental Film and Video Festival [EX-iS], Seoul, South Korea in 2009, and was awarded the Lumen studios residency in Atina, Italy in 2016. She has performed at The Photographers’ gallery, Limehouse Town Hall and Steakhouse Live at Artsadmin, London and Green on Red Gallery, Ireland. www.eunjung-kim.com
Madeleine Stack is an Australian artist and writer currently living in London and Barcelona. Her work has been published in BOMB, aqnb, Dissect Journal, Salt, Leste, and Eyeline. Recent shows and performances include How are you still clean? at ICA [London], Future Skinned at Metro Arts [Brisbane], Fatal Softness at The Koppel Project [London] and screenings, texts and readings at The Southbank Centre [London], Firstdraft [Sydney], Boxcopy [Brisbane], Gr_nd [Berlin], and Alaska Projects [Sydney]. Canal, a new publication by Madeleine Stack and Bjørk Grue Lidin, has an occasional podcast, I Put My Pussy, with Sara Badawi. www.madeleinestack.com
P0$$€ dance and reading is a weekly extra scholarly gathering for people wanting to spend time dancing and reading together. P0$$€ sessions are two hours long and are hosted each time by different people connected to the dance and performance field. The purpose is to exercise ways to read and dance together in a spontaneous and playful way. This way of approaching the material is a key component of the format. P0$$€ was initiated by Lisen Pousette, Klara Utke Acs, Chloe Chignell and Tamara Alegre in Stockholm.
This project has received support from the Lithuanian Council for Culture.
For more information and questions please contact.
jennif3rboyd@gmail.com rutadum@gmail.com